Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Knock

The early sun brings an unwanted brightness.
It penetrates the thin dingy curtains.
Casting an unforgiving light on the ugliness of the room.
Like him....
He lies there, staring at the ceiling.
Cracked and peeling.
He sees shapes, faces of the past....regret.
He waits for the knock.
Will it come?

The light seems to mock him.
"I will show your ugliness" it says to him.
"We have many hours together" it says.
He waits for the knock.
Will it come?

"I never wanted to hurt anyone" he calls out.
"Leave me be" he begs.
The light gets brighter.
"No I will not" it says.
He waits for the knock.
Will it come?

The light continues it's path.
It starts at the top of the sill.
Travels across the ceiling...tormenting....mocking.
Never relenting.
He waits for the knock.
Will it come?

"I see you" it says..."we have many hours together"
It is halfway across the ceiling now.
He waits for the knock.
Will it come?

"Soon I will be with you".
" I am getting closer" it says.
He clenches his eyes as tight as he can.
"You know that never works" it says.
I always seep in.
"We have many hours together" it says.
He waits for the knock.
Will it come?

With every tick of the clock it draws closer.
Shining it's light halfway across the floor now.
"I will be upon you soon" it says.
"Will you open your eyes?
He waits for the knock.
Will it come?

"I am almost upon you" it says.
"We still have much time to spend together".
He clinches his eyes tighter.
He waits for the knock.
Will it come?

He feels the warmth of the light on his clenched eyelids.
They start to flicker.
He resists...turns his head away.
He waits for the knock.
Will it come?

It is on top of him now.
Trying to burn itself into his head.
"Open your eyes it says".
He waits for the knock.
Will it...........

"Our time is growing short" it says.
"Will you open your eyes"?
He pretends to hear, trying to mislead it. He nods yes.
He waits for the knock.

The brightness starts to fade.
He has won.
It can't hurt him now.
He opens his eyes.
Staring at the ceiling.
He sees the shapes, the faces again.

He smiles and starts to drift away.
A sliver of light still remains.
"We have much time to spend together" it says in a whisper.
He falls into a deep sleep.

There is a knock on the door...........

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